MycoBreathe: Fungi for Respiratory Support

In light of the recent global events, most people on the planet have bought out all the elderberry to go along with their toilet paper supply. Meanwhile some folks are supporting their immune systems with a species you may not have considered adding to your cabinet - our friendly fungi! There are over 120,000 species of described fungi, many of which have been used as medicine for thousands of years.1 All of the researched medicinal mushrooms show promising benefit to the immune system, and some have a specific affinity for the respiratory system.1,7 The global pandemic has brought to light a plethora of both false and true claims, but luckily for the fungi, there is plenty of research and historical evidence to support their immune bolstering effects.
Feral Fungi is a small family-owned business located outside of Portland, Oregon who makes high quality spagyric tinctures with sustainable ingredients. Spagyric remedies were first written about by the famous Swiss physician Paracelsus and are grounded in both ancient alchemical principles and the study of humanity’s relationship with nature.2 The Spagyric process involves separation, purification, and cohobation, or recombination, of the plant material.2 Feral Fungi uses a soxhlet extractor which yields a more effective extract, and captures volatiles that would be driven off in a standard heating process. Myco-Breathe is Feral Fungi’s Spagyric Formula created to strengthen the respiratory system, a proprietary blend of Cordyceps, Reishi, Usnea, Artist Conk, Chaga and purified mineral salts. The fungi used in this formula demonstrate compelling evidence in a plethora of health benefits, especially in promoting healthy respiratory function and supporting an innate immune response.
<<Follow this link to find out more about Spagyric remedies>>
Cordyceps is an ascomycetes fungus that grows in the larvae of caterpillars and a variety of other insects.6 After developing a symbiotic relationship with its host for an extended period of time, the fruiting body emerges from the parasitized larvae. Some Cordyceps species will actually guide their insect host to travel to an optimal place for the fungi to release its spores.6 Chinese and Tibetan medicinal texts documented Cordyceps over 5,000 years ago as an energy enhancer, kidney nourisher and lung tonic.7,8,9 Rumor has it that herders in the Himalayan mountains first discovered Cordyceps when they saw the animals who consumed it had greatly increased strength.7
Cordyceps militaris is the variety used in Feral Fungi’s formulas, and the research has confirmed that this and other similar varieties such as C. sinensis can be nourishing for the lungs both in vitro (in a test tube) and in vivo (in animals or humans).7,8 Polysaccharides are the main chemical compounds that have been linked to immune support.9 A meta-analysis demonstrated that Cordyceps supported healthy lung function, exercise endurance, and quality of life among other measures in 1,238 participants, with no reported side effects.10 Cordyceps spp. has been shown to support normal immune cell levels and to be nourishing to the cilia in the lungs.5
Usnea spp. commonly known as Old Man’s Beard is a grayish-green lichen that grows like leafless mini-shrubs anchored on bark or branches.11 Lichens are symbiotic organisms of fungi and algae, the mechanisms for which evolutionary biologists still have many unanswered questions. They have discovered that the algae secretes sugars that the fungal cells absorb and transform into nutrition, while the fungi absorb water from the air and provide shade for the light sensitive algae underneath.12
longissimi is the species in Myco-Breathe and that which indigenous communities in the Venezuela Andes have been using for immune support since ancient times.13 Recent research has credited U. longissimi with the ability to stave off biofilm formation in a test tube.14 Usnic acid is the major active constituent found to have potent medicinal properties.15,16,17 Historically varieties of Usnea have been used to support the respiratory and urinary tracts, touted to have both mucolytic and vulnerary actions.12
Reishi is known as Ling Zhi in Chinese medicine which considers this basidiomycete highly valuable for replenishing Qi and promoting longevity.18,19 It was first written about over 2400 years ago in Shen Nong’s Materia Medica, which claims it improves eyesight, nourishes the liver, strengthens the body and relieves altitude sickness.18 Research has identified over 400 bioactive compounds in G. Lucidum which vary in activity depending on the stage of growth during which it is harvested.19 Ganoderic acid is the most popular for its immune supportive effects and has been found to be a potent antioxidant that promotes healthy skin.20 Immune supporter, lung rejuvenator, liver nourishing, trophorestorative nervine, and free radical scavenger are a few of the many titles it has earned by both ancient texts and modern studies.18,19
What is a trophorestorative nervine? Trophorestorative herbs are nutrient dense and promote restoration of organs, and a nervine helps tonify and calm an overactive nervous system.21 During times of high stress, plants that fall into this category are especially beneficial to keep one’s nervous and immune systems in check. Chronic stress is known to contribute to increased inflammation and lower immune function.22 A randomized controlled trial on 48 women found that the group taking G. Lucidum had significantly improved well-being, motivation and energy levels, and lower stress overall.23 Incorporating plant medicine that both optimizes the immune system function and helps balance the stress response is key to keep the bugs at bay and increase the body’s resilience.
Artist Conk (Ganoderma applanatum) is a cousin of the famous Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum). While it may not have enjoyed as much spotlight yet, it is also known to have numerous healing properties. There is real art behind the name – the underside of the fruiting body browns when etched into and stands out against the rest of its white body thus making a lovely canvas. Medicinally, G. applanatum has demonstrated powerful antioxidant and immune supportive properties in vitro.24-28 Bitter triterpenoids are the main constituents that have been deemed effective for supporting normal immune function.27,28 Historically herbalists have used G. applanatum to dry up mucus from the lungs and sinuses and to calm an upset stomach.29 Additionally, it can inspire a deep, meditative state, and act as an antidote to ingesting excess caffeine.29
Inonotus obliquus, commonly known as Chaga, is a parasitic fungus that grows on birch trees.30 In Chinese Medicine it is called Hua Jie Kong Jun and is used to build Qi, tonify the kidneys, liver, and spleen, and restore the blood.31 Russian and Scandinavian scientists have conducted the most research on I. obliquus, where this fungus has been used as medicine for thousands of years.31,32 Siberian Chaga was popularized when a Nobel prize winning Russian novelist Alexandr Solzenitsyn in his 1968 novel, The Cancer Ward, noted its many health benefits.32 Twelfth century texts claim a Russian Tzar named Vladimir Monomah was treated with I. obliquus to maintain his vitality. Immune balancing properties have been measured in I. obliquus in vitro.33 Chaga has been given historically to promote heart, digestive, kidney, immune and skin health and to encourage longevity.31 Traditional healers in Europe and Asia have used it for soothing symptoms of the common cold and to increase respiratory strength.33
There are two crucial problems today that consumers must look out for when mushroom supplement hunting: quality assurance and sustainability. Best practices ensure that the primary and secondary metabolites (i.e. biologically active compounds) remain intact throughout the process of growth, harvest, and preparation into tincture. Mycelium cultivation is complex and when done irresponsibly, the medicinal components are diminished in the final product and in some cases excess levels of heavy metals. Many commercial extraction methods result in products of questionable efficacy and many of the medicinal mushrooms have been overharvested.
Feral Fungi has pure, sustainable, high quality methods of processing their ingredients, which you can read more about on their website! They work closely with mushroom cultivators and wild harvesters who exhibit extraordinary standards in their cultivation and harvesting techniques. Their proprietary process brings together beautiful formulae that you can feel uplifting your essence the minute they touch your tongue.
Exciting up and coming research on mushrooms is underway to confirm what the traditional healers have been using around the world for eons. Polysaccharides have demonstrated the ability to help support the innate immune system and normal cytokine levels both in vitro and in vivo.34 Beta-d-glucans are well-studied polysaccharides in a variety of medicinal mushrooms credited with the ability to support healthy immune function.34
As mentioned earlier in this article, there are countless benefits beyond what we have highlighted here. My advice after personally experiencing over a decade of work in the supplement industry is to do your own research before you buy. Read the fine print and look up the quality assurance measures the company is using. Better yet, find a local company that is using ethically sound methods while delivering a high quality medicine that will surely liven up your life.
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About the Author: Merci is a fifth-year medical student currently completing her Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine, Master of Science in Global Health and Natural Childbirth Certificate from the National University of Natural Medicine. Her two children claim to have helped her write this article, which wouldn’t have been possible without the help of her partner. She enjoys gardening, dancing, teaching yoga and is looking forward to graduating later this year.
- Tags: Artist Conk Breathe Chaga Cordyceps Immunity Mushroom Health Mushroom Research Reishi Respiratory Support Usnea